Vi funderar på att bygga ett tillägg för MediaWiki så att OpenBadges kan hanteras.

Olika sorters badges

  • För att man har gjort något bra kvalitetsmässigt. Delas ut manuellt baserat antingen på en omröstning eller andra uppsatta villkor.
  • För att man har gjort ett visst antal av något, ex. tio redigeringar eller tio filuppladdningar. Erbjuds automatiskt av programvaran eller genom att man claimar den själv.
  • För deltagande i aktiviteter inom Wikipedia i Utbildning som kan vara riktade mot pedagogers deltagande och prestationer, exempelvis för att ha integrerat Wikipedia i undervisningsmoment, och även riktade mot elevers användning av Wikipedia inom ramen för olika skolarbeten. Manuellt utdelade.

Här är ett utkast på kravspecifikation. Den skrivs på engelska för att kunna flyttas över till senare.

Requierements specification


Mozilla has a project called OpenBadges. It consists of the possibility to define a badge, to issue it, to display it and to export it to “the Mozilla backpack”. These functions are ported to several platforms, such as Wordpress and Drupal. This project aims to integrate the process into Mediawiki.

Define badges

  • There should be a specific user right to be able to define a badge.
  • Badges should be designed according to the Mozilla specification.
  • The graphic for the badge should be linked in from Wikimedia Commons.
  • When a badge is defined it and the defining user should be listed in the logs.

Badge pages

  • Badges should be stored/displayed as a page in the Badge namespace.
  • On the definition page there should be a list of all users who has received the badge on the wiki. (? needs to at least show number of users)
  • The definition page should have revision history like other wiki pages. (?)
  • There should be no user right required to view badge pages.

List badges

  • There should be a special page listing all badges.
  • The list should have links to the definition page for each badge.
  • The list should have a column with the sum of the times the badge has been issued.
  • There should be no user right view lists of badges.

Issue badges

  • There should be a specific user right to be able to issue a badge.
  • Badge issuing should be made through a special page/the badge definition page/on the receiving users page.
  • The evidence should be defined during the issuing.
  • The issuedOn should be set automatically.
  • When a badge is issued, issuer, badge and receiver should be listed in the logs.

Display badges

  • It should be possible to display the collection of badges collected on the wiki on a wiki page.
  • It should be possible to display defined collections of badges from the Mozilla backpack on a wiki page. (?)
  • There should be no user right required to display badges.
  • Displaying of badges should be made by Magic words.

Collected Bagdes

  • All badges for a user should be shown on a special page.
  • There should be no user right required to view a users badges.

Export badges to backpack

  • It should be possible to export badges (on a per badge base) to the Mozilla backpack.
  • There should be no user right required to export badges.



The extension shall be prepared for i18n according to Mediawiki policy.

See also