The organisation

Name and purpose

Wikimedia Sverige is a non-profit association based in Sweden, independent of political parties and religious affiliations. The association shall work towards making knowledge freely accessible to all humans, especially by supporting the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation. The association shall also work to spread knowledge about these projects, promote their use, and support technology essential for them.

The bylaws.

We need your support, please donate now.


To become a member, please pay the yearly fee of 100 kronor to Bgkonto 900 6859 with name, address and e-mail address included.

If you pay from outside Sweden use IBAN: SE60 8000 0845 2590 4498 8963, BIC: SWEDSESS, Bankname Swedbank 105 34 Stockholm. The yearly fee can be paid in EUR 11, or USD 15.

Membership in the association is open to every natural person or legal entity. Wikimedia Sverige welcomes residents of Sweden as well as persons living abroad. Anyone who declares that he or she wants to contribute in accordance with the purpose of the association, and who pays the association's membership fee, can become a member.

Members receive on a regular basis, via E-mail, news from Wikimedia Sverige.



  • Maria Jalkenäs, Grant Thornton
  • Kristoffer Mellberg
Substitutes (supplementary members)
  • Ana Durán
  • Johnny Greinsmark

Nominating committee

Organisation facts


Wikimedia Sverige have a webshop where you can buy products with Wikimedia related prints.

Annual reports


Chapters reports are published on meta-wiki.