Projekt:Wikipedia i utbildning 2013/Ledningsrapport 2013-11

Status per 2013-12-09 STATUS:
STATUS orsak
Utförda aktiviteter Progress mot mål Dragna erfarenheter KOSTNAD – Budget, Aktuell & Prognos uppföljning kr

Arbetet har just dragits igång efter semesterperioden.

  • Ett första möte med Bengt Båvegård som vill engagera sig i utbildningsprogrammet som volontär. Bengt kommer bland annat att utveckla pedagogiskt instruktionsmaterial för att minska tröskeln att börja delta och för att förklara för lärare varför det är viktigt och intressant för dem. När möjlighet ges kommer Bengt även hjälpa till på workshops.
  • Two half day workshops were organized in Kalmar with circa 50 high school students. The students will travel to Uganda and write articles about the country and illustrate it with photos and videos. The cooperation with the teacher also led to a joint application for funding for two former students to travel to Uganda as volunteers to teach students there to edit Wikipedia. This was a joint application together with a Ugandian organization and the WWF. Two other teachers that were present said at the end of the day that they also would like to include Wikipedia as part of their education.
  • We led at a workshop at Lund University with circa 30 participating researchers, communicators and librarians. The group was very positive and two of the participants came up and said that they would try to include Wikipedia in their classes. One librarian also stated that she had gathered a large number of documents that she would like to spread through Wikisource.
  • Preparations for two major educational conference are under way, named Mötesplats Skola and Skolforum. There we will launch Wikimini, a encyklopedia for kids by kids. The project aims to get young people to learn wikis and how to share material.
  • A teacher, Bengt B, has stepped forward and asked to work as a volunteer on the project up to 16 hours per week. He will help updating the instruction material and with preparations for the Wikimini project. Bengt is already an ambassador.
  • Two students from Kalmar, the ones that hopefully are going to Uganda to teach students tehre, are looking into the ambassador program.

Teachers and students are very postive and Wikipedia is "easy to sell", especially now when we have the VE. It seem like VE really has made people think that editing looks so much more fun.

  • There is a need to plan for follow ups from the start. People need to have the chance to digest the information and think about Wikipedia by themselves and how they can use it. And then get help again. For that reason we are having an edit-a-thon in Lund in November mainly for the staff that took part in the first event.
  • Budget 185 000
  • Aktuell 183 076.78
  • Prognos 185 000
Aktuella huvudsakliga RISKER Öppna huvudsakliga PROBLEM OMFATTNING – Aktuella förslag till förändringar
  • Mycket begränsade resurser.
  • Oklart hur vi på bästa sätt får tag på Wikipedia-ambassadörer. De vägar som redan prövats måste utvärderas.