Projekt:Wiki-skills 2012/en

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Basic facts

Full Application number: 519291-LLP-1-2011-1-CH-KA3-KA3MP
Applicant Organisation: Fondation
Application Title: WIKI-SKILLS : Empowering and fostering social, professional, cultural and civic skills through pedagogical use of Wiki technologies and methodologies.


Worlds of work and education are increasingly using collaborative platforms to develop cooperation. This includes the use of Wikis, which have been part of the enterprise scene longer than blogs. This is probably because they are not individual tools, but are usually set up for a team of community of people working together. According to study of Netstrategy JMC on global internet trends for 2011, about 33% of organizations leader in their domain use wikis for internal collaboration, and 18% of enterprises worldwide. Wikis are not only used into Wikipedia, but as collaborative tools for projects in public administration, training bodies and private enterprises. In fact Wiki, being the simplest database that could possibly work, is one of the most innovative pedagogical tools in knowledge society, for all 4 LLP sub-programmes.

The project aims at:

  1. Developing collaborative leadership skills, collective decision making skills, conflict resolution skills, governance skills, etc., whilst participating to the growth of a learning and working community
  2. Improving skills on collaborating with others to edit and develop texts
  3. Valorising existing cultural patrimony
  4. Acquisition of digital fluency basic knowledge

This wiki culture corresponds to European priorities of promoting creativity, competitiveness, employability and entrepreneurial spirit, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship.


  1. Inventory of existing needs and training opportunities
  2. Feasibility study on ECVET-based certification process
  3. Wiki-based diagnostic tool to customize training modules
  4. elearning platform
  5. Guidelines booklet for teachers
  6. Wiki tools and skills training experiment for educational bodies
  7. Best practices video and a guidebook.

How Wikimedia Sverige will participate

Within the Wiki skills project, the role of Wikimedia Sverige is to participate in training, project management, community management and links to Wikimedia projects. In more detail the workpackages (WP:s) are defined as follows:

  • WP1 WM SE will be a member of the Coordination Team, contribution to project management, participate in meetings, contribute to project progress reports.
  • WP2 is the Task Leader of Task 2.2. and will coordinate the organisation of the focus groups in all countries. It will provide templates for data collection. Furthermore, collaborate with for the organisation of focus group on the user needs related to Leonardo da Vinci sub program. Finally, it will produce the user needs report (D2.2)
  • WP3 will participate in the definition, creation and adaptation of training content considering their target users. Translation into English language will be done for the software and libraries, whenever necessary.
  • WP4 will implement pilot sites with teachers related to Leonardo da Vinci sub program (to be selected in Task 4.1). will organise training courses in Sweden (D 4.2 and 4.3) and will provide local support and follow up for Task 4.3.
  • WP5 is leading Task 5.3 5.2. With will develop an important part of D5.2 disseminating the project into wikimedia communities. will also collaborate with the dissemination plan. They will provide content for the web site and dissemination materials (translated to English) and participate in Final Conference.
  • WP6 will closely collaborate with die Berater in the development of the exploitation plan, in the identification of local and national exploitation activities, contacting relevant actors and in managerial aspects.
  • WP7 Contribution to the development of the Quality Assurance Plan. Contribution to the quality review process as internal expert (details will be set in the Quality Assurance Plan).
  • WP8 will be actively participating in all three tasks in the WP - collaborating with the other partners for devising the evaluation framework, applying it within their pilot site, collecting and analysing the data.

Application package of the WIKI-SKILLS project:

Project eForm :

Project Description :

Project Budget :

About Wiki skills on Meta: