<< 2017 | 2019 >>

Raporterade buggar listas nedan med hjälp av {{Buggrapport}}. De symboler som används är:

  • Ny funktionalitet = Ny funktionalitet
  • Bugg åtgärdad av WMSE = Bugg/översättning åtgärdad av WMSE.
  • Denna buggen fanns redan = Buggen fanns redan rapporterad, men vi la till mer information.

Det går även bra att lista buggar som rapporterats inom ramen för andra projekt (t.ex. i Education Dashboard). Men arbetstiden täcks då av det andra projekt.

Flytta gärna även till buggen i Reported bugs i Buggrapporterings projektets workboard på Phabricator.


nr Datum Beskrivning Åtgärdad Typ
T184981 2018-01-16 BotPasswords: API error protectednamespace incorrectly triggered when logged in using BotPassword   Fixat!  
T186007 2018-01-30 Visual Editor: Bug when copying table from one page to another using VE   Fixat!
T186189 2018-02-01 Phabricator: Trying to import workboard for some projects give error 400   Ej fixat
T187763 2018-02-20 Visual Editor: Bug in Visual Editor in project namespace
T188249 2018-02-26 MediaWiki: Warning from PHPSessionHandler during changePassword.php
T188903 2018-03-05 Visual Editor/ORES: The filters menu is closed when a filter colour is selected   Fixat!
T190406 2018-03-22 Confusing wording in message when session is no longer valid
T190793 2018-03-27 Phabricator: Make task ids easily copyable in workboard   Fixat!   
T191395 2018-04-04 TemplateData: Tooltip does not survive scrolling   Fixat!
T191406 2018-04-04 VisualEditor: Embeded videos are not shown when editing in Visual Editor   Fixat!
T192868 2018-04-24 TemplateData: Make docSubpage configurable   Ej fixat   
T193153 2018-04-26 MediaWiki-Vagrant: vagrant up: Could not find a directory environment named 'vagrant' anywhere in the path
T194690 2018-05-14 StructuredDiscussion: Incorrect encoding of id fields when runnign StructuredDiscussion on a Windows server
T197091 2018-06-13 VisualEditor: Pasting text with paragraph break results in a single newline   Fixat!
T198837 2018-07-05 Phabricator: "Create Task" in favorites menu should be called "Create Task (Simple)"   Fixat!
T200623 2018-07-29 Language: cl_sortkey_prefix crops unicode string mid character   Fixat!
T203941 2018-09-10 Watchlist/Echo: Allow watchlist notifications to be delivered as web notification   
T206231 2018-10-04 VisualEditor: Link in link popup has incomplete target URL if page contains namespace   Fixat!


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