Syftar till att formulera argument till öppna lärresurser inom grundskola gymnasium, och högre utbildning.



Författare/år Titel Citat Kommentar
Eero Sormunen and Leeni Lehtiö (2011) "Authoring Wikipedia articles as an information literacy assignment: copy-pasting or expressing new understanding in one's own words?" Harouni (2009) observed that high school students often use Wikipedia uncritically. Lim (2009) reports that college students seem to trust Wikipedia because their everyday experiences are primarily positive. On the other hand, Lim (2009) also reports that students are confused since they are aware of quality problems in Wikipedia. This tension calls for instructional interventions that help students to scrutinize the problems of information evaluation – a learning goal serving their personal needs. Innehåller en bra och kommenterad forskningsöversikt.
Sook Lim (2009) How and why do college students use Wikipedia? Approximately one-third of the students reported using Wikipedia for academic purposes. The students tended to use Wikipedia for quickly checking facts and finding background information. They had positive past experiences with Wikipedia; however, interestingly, their perceptions of its information quality were not correspondingly high. The level of their confidence in evaluating Wikipedia's information quality was, at most, moderate. Respondents' past experience with Wikipedia, their positive emotional state, their disposition to believe information in Wikipedia, and information utility were positively related to their outcome expectations of Wikipedia.  


Finally, this study supports the knowledge value of Wikipedia (Fallis, 2008), despite students' cautious attitudes toward Wikipedia. The study suggests that educators and librarians need to provide better guidelines for using Wikipedia, rather than prohibiting Wikipedia use altogether.


The study suggests that educators and librarians need to provide better guidelines for using Wikipedia, rather than prohibiting its use altogether. In addition, various efforts to improve Wikipedia itself are needed.

Collegestudenter använder Wikipedia för snabb faktakoll och för att hitta bakgrundsinformation. Lärare behöver bättre riktlinjer.
Vetenskapsrådet (2011) Vetenskapsrådet Resultatdialog 2011 Wikipedia bereds en plats i skolan, delvis som en konsekvens av att uppslagsverket är populärt hos gymnasieelever, men pedagoger betraktar inte Wikipedia som oproblematisk. Se s 149 och framåt
Helena Francke, Olof Sundin (2012) Negotiating the role of sources: Educators' conceptions of credibility in participatory media The third theme deals with conceptions of the credibility of Wikipedia. Four conceptions of credibility are identified: credibility is associated with the control and stability of a source; it is considered to be strengthened when several sources support a claim; it is viewed as situational and partial, rather than absolute; and it is associated with a multiplicity of voices and democratic forms of production. These findings may be used to inform educational activities around credibility and authority in schools by raising self-awareness among educators of various ways to talk about the credibility of sources with both colleagues and students.
Francke & Hanell (2014) Användning och värdering av sociala medier i skola och högre utbildning (s. 51-61 i Medie och informationskunnighet ) Detta leder till att en synnerligen viktig förmåga för dn som använder sig av, eller sprider vidare, dagens breda medieutbud är att kunna värdera den kunskap som förmedlas. Vilka källor går att lita på och hur användbara blir de därmed i en viss situation? Ytterligare en viktig kompetens är att själv kunna ta delta i samtalet och behärska olika tekniker och sociala konventioner. (s. 51)

Erfarenhet av och deltagande i en genres användning ger en fördjupad förståelse för det som sker i genren. (s. 53)

SOU 2012:10 Läsarnas marknad - marknadens läsare, en forkningsantologi Wikipedia kan därför sägas vara ett spännande och fruktbart möte mellan upplysningstraditionens kunskapssyn och den senmoderna utmaningen av denna tradition (Haider & Sundin 2010). Oavsett om man väljer att fokusera på det nya eller gamla med Wikipedia förutsätter uppslagsverkets publiceringsprocess att ett större ansvar läggs på läsaren att granska trovärdigheten hos dess innehåll. Wikipedia bidrar därmed tillsammans med andra nya medier till en pågående förändring av människors förväntningar på hur kunskap ska kommuniceras samt på relationen mellan expert och amatör.


Wikipedia symboliserar många av de frågor som som väcks i mötet mellan användargenererade och förhandskontrollerade medier i skolans värld. Många pedagoger är skeptiska till att elever använder sig av Wikipedia som en, ofta dominerande, källa i skolan. Det är inte svårt att hålla med om att det är önskvärt att elever lär sig utnyttja olika slags källor som de kan väga mot varandra för att lösa sina uppgifter. Att inte vara beroende av en källa i sitt sökande efter kunskap är lika viktigt - om inte viktigare - i en digital medieekologi som i en tryckt. Samtidigt är problemet något felformulerat. Det kanske snarare är så att problemet, i den mån det är ett problem, ligger i att elever formulerar frågor att lösa där enbart Wikipedia kan räcka för att erhålla svaret (jfr Limberg 2007). Om en uppgift däremot är tillräckligt komplext krävs en mer varierad medieanvändning där Wikipedia kan vara en bland flera källor som eleverna måste granska och väga mot varandra.


Därtill kan Wikipedia, där textens tillblivelse är transparent genom uppslagsverkets diskussioner och historik, fungera som en resurs för att faktiskt diskutera kunskap, digital källkritik och informationssökning. Det krävs alltså en didaktik för informationslitteracitet, i skolan, på biblioteket och annorstädes som tar hänsyn till den digitala förändringen av kunskap och kultur.

s 143 o s 150 ff
Ulli Samuelsson Digital (o)jämlikhet? IKT-användning i skolan och elevers tekniska kapital När det gäller undervisning i informationssökning berättade eleverna att

deras lärare, både i grundskolan och på gymnasiet, främst gått igenom vilka webbsidor som var tillåtna att använda och vilka som inte var det. Exempel på detta var att Nationalencyklopedin (NE) var en godkänd källa medan Wikipedia inte var det. Eleverna berätta också att vissa lärare lämnade ut rekommendationer på användbara webbsidor i samband med olika arbetsuppgifter. Samtidigt fanns det lärare som inte själva var så datorvana utan lämnade åt eleverna att söka efter lämplig information och värdera tillförlitligheten. s 78

IIS (2013) Eleverna och internet 31 procent av eleverna säger att de aldrig har lärt sig att värdera och kritiskt granska information som de hittar på nätet. Skolans använding av datorer och internet är begränsad till att skriva, och söka information och kunskaperna för att värdera information är ojämnt fördelade.

Det största användningsområdet av internet i skolan är att söka information

s 7. Internet används flitigt i hemmet men inte alltid i skolan

s 14-15

Skolverket (2013) It-användning och

it-kompetens i skolan

80 procent av eleverna i åk 4-6 använder dator i skolarbetet för att söka information om något, t.ex. på google eller Wikipedia.

Tre av tio lärare utvecklar inte elevernas förmåga till källkritik av information på internet.

s 69 och 75
Political Science (2011) Wikipedia as a Data Source for Political

Scientists: Accuracy and Completeness

of Coverage

Wikipedia's usefulness lies in readers'ability to gain a quick feel for the subject. /.../ At the same time Wikipedia's surprising accuracy may allow it to play a useful role for researchers with limited resources. s 342
Sook Lim, Christine Simon, 2011 Credibility judgment and verification behavior of college students concerning Wikipedia They tend to use Wikipedia at the early stage of their academic work if they have ever used it for academic purposes. This result is consistent with Head and Eisenberg’s (2010) study, demonstrating that Wikipedia was used at the beginning of the research process. Moreover, this study shows that students use Wikipedia as a complementary source, which is consistent with Head and Eisenberg’s (2010) finding, demonstrating that the majority of students use Wikipedia, but Wikipedia is not the only source to which they turn. When students are uncertain about the believability of a Wikipedia article, the majority of respondents reported checking with other sources they trust including library sources.


Finally, approximately 51.7 percent of students tend not to use Wikipedia for academic purposes. However, another half of the respondents sometimes (32.8 percent) or often (25.5 percent) used Wikipedia for academic purposes. If they have ever used Wikipedia for their academic work, overwhelmingly the majority of students (90.6 percent) reported using Wikipedia at an early stage for their academic work.

Witzleb, N (2009) Engaging with the World: students of comparative law write for Wikipedia Recent studies confirm that Wikipedia holds particular appeal for younger users. In a recent German Internet usage survey, 94 per cent of the teenagers between 14 and 19 years indicated that they used Wikipedia at least sometimes, compared with 65 per cent of all users and 35 per cent of users of 60 years of age.[5] The ubiquity of Wikipedia has led teachers to explore ways in which students can be educated in using it safely and responsibly.[6] One way of doing so is transforming students from uncritical consumers of Wikipedia to creative contributors. This is in line with the basic rationale of ‘wikis’, a term used for collaborative websites that allow for easy creation and editing of content by a group of users.[7] Encouraging students to become ‘Wikipedians’ would also help to bridge the divide between active and passive users of Wikipedia, with currently only four per cent of users actively contributing to the development of the site
Francke, H. & Sundin, O. (2010) An inside view: credibility in Wikipedia from the perspective of editors Several studies (e.g., Sundin and Francke 2009; Luyt et al. 2008; Rieh and Hilligoss 2008; Head and Eisenberg 2010; Lim 2009) have shown that students often use Wikipedia strategically to get an overview of a topic, but that they are hesitant to use or refer to it in situations where they need to be certain of something, for instance in school assignments, where teachers are often critical of the use of Wikipedia as a source. A bit surprisingly, the study by Luyt et al. (2008) indicated that the young users mainly used Wikipedia for school purposes rather than for interests concerned with their extracurricular interests. The students were generally aware that Wikipedia could be edited 'by anyone', and so took that into account when they consulted it (Sundin and Francke 2009; Rieh andHilligoss 2008; Head and Eisenberg 2010; Lim 2009). The students also compared claims from Wikipedia articles with claims from other sources to determine if the claims were credible.
Georgios Fessakis, Maria Zoumpatianou


Wikipedia uses in learning design: A literature review While using Wikipedia, a student is likely to receive feedback not only from the members of her/his educational community but also from a wider group of people.


The rich and authentic content of Wikipedia can be utilized in reading assignments as well as in text composition in a foreign language. Furthermore, students are given the opportunity to contrast and compare articles that are -at the same time- available in both, their mother language and in the foreign language they attempt to learn. Finally, it is possible for students to receive linguistic corrections from several users on articles they compose in the foreign language, through the system of continuous revision.


Properly designed learning activities regarding the writing and evaluation of Wikipedia's articles can also foster the development of critical thinking

s 98
Reza Khany, Fereshteh Khosravian (2014) Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Development through Wikipedia /.../ 36 intermediate Iranian EFL students assigned to two control and experimental groups took part in the study. The results of the tests administered divulged that the learners in the Wikipedia group surpassed those of the control group. Hence, Wikipedia is considered as an encouraging authentic resource to assist EFL learners in improving their vocabulary knowledge.
Alison J. Head, Michael B. Eisenberg (2010) How today's college students use Wikipedia for course-related reasearch

The survey results are consistent with accounts we heard in our student focus groups about when they use Wikipedia. Students in the focus group sessions were precise in characterizing Wikipedia as “a .5 step in my research process” or “the very beginning of the very beginning for me.”

Students in the sessions explained that Wikipedia entries have value in the beginning because they provide a “simple narrative that gives you a grasp,” “can point you in the right direction,” and “help when I have no idea what to do for a research paper.”

Another focus group participant called Wikipedia “my presearch tool.” Presearch, as the participant defined it, was the stage of research where students initially figure out a topic, find out about it, and delineate it.

As one student put it, Wikipedia is ideal for big–picture background “in good English” and “putting me in my comfort zone” before moving on to more serious research (i.e., scholarly research databases and to a lesser degree, library books).

The large majority of students we interviewed said they begin with Wikipedia despite professors’ cautions about Wikipedia as an authoritative source. As a student in a focus group commented, “Sure, I use Wikipedia just to get a taste, even though my professors say not to.”

Most students also said they do not tell their professors they use Wikipedia; they simply avoid citing it in their reports. This was particularly true in the case of students in our sample enrolled in four–year institutions, who more likely to use Wikipedia than students in two–year institutions.

Few students in our sessions ended their course–related research with Wikipedia. As one student in the focus group sessions described, “My professor says Wikipedia is a great place to start, but a horrible place to end.”


  1. Students’ driving need for background context makes Wikipedia one of the predictable workarounds that many students use, especially during the first stages of their research process.
  2. Course–related research may begin with Wikipedia, but it rarely ends there. In our study, students employed a complex information problem strategy in their research processes, reliant on a mix of information resources that were from scholarly sources and public Internet sites.
  3. In our study, we found the combination of coverage, currency, comprehensibility, and convenience drives Wikipedia use, in a world where credibility is less of a given — or an expectation from students — with each passing day.
  4. Overall, college students use Wikipedia. But, they do so knowing its limitation. They use Wikipedia just as most of us do — because it is a quick way to get started and it has some, but not deep, credibility. 
OECD (2007) Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources Training should be offered to teachers and researchers on the use and production of digital learning resources and on copyright law. Institutions wanting to foster the use and production of OER should stress the importance of compatibility – meaning not only the use of open standards and open source software in production and dissemination of learning resources but also licences that makes resources compatible with other resources and easier to reuse. s 125
Hylén, J. et al. (2012) OECD Education Working Papers No. 76 Open Educational Resources ANALYSIS OF RESPONSES TO THE OECD COUNTRY QUESTIONNAIRE Looking at the benefits of OER as shown in Figure 4, the most relevant advantage seems to be that OER offers open and flexible learning opportunities. Almost as advantageous is the increased efficiency and quality of learning resources. Cost efficiency is also seen by many as a benefit of OER although Turkey is the only country stating that this is not relevant. The innovative potential of OER seems to also attract the interest of countries while the capacity for systemic transformation appears to be less important. Other benefits mentioned by countries are the possibility for teachers to re-use, modify and adapt resources and combine learning objects in new ways; the possibilities for active and independent learning; the rapid update cycle; the enhancement of intra and inter-institutional collaboration; the opportunity to make teaching activities visible to peers and to the public; and the ability to attract students. Further benefits listed are prolonging the content life cycle, making teaching activities capable of being referenced, and offering a single point of entry for a variety of e-learning materials and applications for administrative efficiency. s 12
Giving knowledge for free OER is likely to accelerate changes in the traditional relationship between teaching and learning, for instance, with the teachers’ role shifting away from setting reading lists for the class towards offering guidance on OER and helping students navigate and select reading from online courseware.
Myndigheten för skolutveckling (2007) Digitala lärresurser - möjligheter och utmaningar för skolan Wikis kan användas för att läraren ska kunna följa ett grupparbete, och för att eleverna ska lära sig att ge och ta konstruktiv kritik på sina publicerade texter, bilder och videor. s 53-54


Argument Källa Kommentar
Wikipedia är mer uppdaterat än tryckta uppslagsverk
Wikipedia och andra öppna lärresurser ersätter inte andra kunskapskällor utan är ett komplement och en "första källa" Sook Lim, Christine Simon, 2011
UNESCOs 2012 PARIS OER Declaration rekommenderar att stater uppmuntrar användningen av öppna lärresurser och skapar specifika policies för användningen av öppna lärresurser för att utveckla utbildning. Samt bidra till att skapa lärresurser med öppna licenser för att maximera nyttan.
Öppna lärresurser används i utvecklingsländer som Senegal, Kenya och Oman och arbetar tillsammans med UNESCO för att utveckla detta. Kunskap som utvecklas som öppna lärresurser sprids lätt och kostnadseffektivt över världen.

"OERs help improve education across the globe. They are important for developing countries, where many students may not be able to afford textbooks, where access to classrooms may be limited, and where teacher-training programs may be lacking. They are also important in wealthy industrialized countries, where they can offer significant cost savings."

OECD skriver att öppna lärresureser är ett verktyg för livslångt lärande och medlemsländernas regeringar uppmanas att ta tillvara på den potentialen. s 121
En stor majoritet av eleverna (80%) i mellanstadiet använder internet för informationssökning, men 3 av 10 lärare arbetar inte med att utveckla elevernas förmåga till källkritik av information på internet.
The Questionnaire also asked if the ministry of education, or any other public agency, had clear OER strategies or policies. As shown in Figure 7, six countries already have such strategies or policies in place, and seven more were in the process of developing them. There are 11 more countries currently discussing such strategies. Only three countries have not begun any preparations or do not anticipate such strategies to be pursued in the near future. s 14
The most frequently cited policy reason for OER activity is the desire to increase access to high-quality learning materials. s 16